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Frontenac Historical Society
and Museum
Keeping History Alive!

Hidden Hero - Eunice Wolley Yawger
On March 18, 1911 the following obituary appeared in the Union Springs Advertiser: Entered Into Rest Softly, as night fades into day,...

Hidden Hero - Deborah Carr Hoff
The Civil War challenged the lives of many - both men and women. Some women provided medical care for the sick and wounded by serving as...

Hidden Hero - George Howland
When entering Union Springs from the north, one's eyes are drawn to the lovely pond and the historical marker proclaiming the old stone...

Hidden Hero - Helen Pike (Additional Comments from Marge Gibbs)
The Norma Bilak Research Room at the Frontenac provides access to many tools and sources of information for genealogists. Due to the...

Hidden Hero - Roger Lewis - Korean War Veteran/Hero
For many years, a quiet but very friendly gentleman graced the last pew of Trinity United Church of Christ sanctuary every Sunday. Over...

Hidden Heroes - Hiram McDonald - Master Boat Builder
With his wife Rhoda and their six children, Hiram McDonald (1807-1890) arrived in Union Springs sometime in the 1840's. Over time,...

Hidden Heroes - Phoebe Brockway - Pioneer Era
In the 1880's, several residents of Union Springs were making national news. Champion rower Charles Courtney was flying across lake...

Hidden Heroes - Ruden Wheeler
Ruden Wheeler's roots in Cayuga County run very deep. His great grandfather, Capt. Edward Wheeler, one of the first settlers of this...

Hidden Heroes - Dr. H. H. Farley
Farley's is a name which means different things to different people. To some, it is merely a road south of the village of Union Springs....

Hidden Heroes - A Lifetime of Friendship
When Harriet Willey, aged 73, and Sally Shorter, aged 100, died within two hours of each other in 1874, their deaths were reported as...

Hidden Heroes - Charley B
In late 1800's, Charley B, champion race horse, was to Union Springs as Secretariat is to America today. In 1869, Charley B was bred by...

Hidden Heroes - Junius Irving
On a wall in the attic of 13 Cayuga St. in Union Springs, written in pencil, is the name Junius Irving. Junius (1870-1927) was the...
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