Frontenac Historical Society
and Museum
Keeping History Alive!
Special events occur throughout the year to include the community in fund raising, education, and fun. Fund raising helps maintain our building and exhibits. Education allows us to share our history with students of all ages, and fun events lets all of us enjoy our history at our leisure.
Check back frequently for updates and announcements about new or upcoming events.

June 14, 2025
10am until sold out!
Chicken BBQ
Front of Trinity United Church on Cayuga Street
The Union Springs Lions Club is supporting the Frontenac Museum by grilling wonderful chicken! Members of the museum will be serving this meal which will consist of chicken half, potatoes, baked beans and rolls.
Come and enjoy and support the Frontenac Museum!
July 5, 2025
Doug's Fish Fry
Union Springs Fire Dept.
Let Doug's do the Cooking and you will benefit the Frontenac Museum!
September 2, 2025
Doug's Fish Fry
Union Springs Fire Department
Celebrate Labor Day holiday with a delicious fish sandwich or meal. The Frontenac Museum will be thankful.