Frontenac Historical Society
and Museum
Keeping History Alive!
If the Frontenac sounds like a place you would enjoy, please bring your ideas, enthusiasm and energy to help us in any way you can. We are an all-volunteer organization and have a variety of functions that need people. Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time or spreading news about us through word of mouth, you are making a difference and we thank you.
There are many ways a student can help the museum. One position on the Board of Trustees is reserved for a high school student with an interest in history and community service. The student provides perspective and feedback to the board on planning activities and events. They also promote and communicate museum happenings to fellow students. We encourage the student to suggest, endorse and help facilitate youth oriented programs and activities which the museum can offer. If you are interested in joining the board, please email the museum at frontenac178@gmail.com.

Here are just a few examples of how any student or volunteer can contribute:
Attending programs and special events
Greeting visitors at programs or serving as a host
Preparing newsletters for mailing
Creating posters for special events or announcements on our sandwich board
Working with our building and grounds team
Caring for our collection
Helping to mount exhibits
Helping with group visits
Encouraging family, friends and students to visit the museum
However you want to be involved, please contact us at 315-889-7273 or frontenac178@gmail.com and let us know what activities you would enjoy. You will be most welcome here.
Your membership to the Frontenac offers a year of knowing that you have joined the almost 600 members who are supporting keeping local history alive. You are also supporting the ability of the museum to sustain the cost of maintaining the facility, its exhibits and many stored documents and artifacts. With a membership, you will receive several newsletters each year, unlimited access to genealogical research with free copy services, and more.
Visit our Membership Page for more information and an application.
There are many ways to donate to the Frontenac. You may have an item relevant to local history and consistent with the purpose of the museum, or you may wish to help us monetarily. If you would like the Curating Team to consider this item for donation to our collection, please call the museum at 315-889-7273 or email us at frontenac178@gmail.com. Due to space limitations we are unable to accept every item offered and will try to offer alternative suggestions if needed.
We are dedicated to preserving the history of our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference.

We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.